Monday, 30 December 2019

Baby B Browne: The Moisturising Tan

Six months have passed since I last posted any form of rambling on here, how on earth did that happen? It's currently that period of limbo between Christmas and New Year where you don't know what day it is, the leftover turkey is now too dry to chew through, and the only Roses left in the tin are the strawberry ones.

So, I thought I'd put my time to good use and update you all on a product I was kindly sent just before party season kicked off. Not that I am much of a partier, but I do enjoy the festivities.

I was contacted via Instagram by an Irish tanning company named Baby B Browne, of which I had seen various 'influencers' talk about before. I was really excited to try the tan for myself, as if you know me, you know I am never without a bronzed glow. Interestingly, on the brand's website it states the lotion is the only tan on the market that has been dermatologically approved for those with sensitive skin, psoriasis and eczema, something which I was keen to put to the test. I do have quite dry skin on my body, and constantly removing and reapplying fake tan probably does it no favours.

Anyway, let's skip to the good bit... I applied the tan using a velvet tanning mitt, it's of a lotion consistency, similar to bBold's tanning lotion, however I feel that it applied a lot better. I find bBold's lotion sometimes dries too quickly and when you try to apply a bit more, it sticks to itself making you look really dark in some areas, and pale in others. It always turns out fine the next day, but the initial application process does prove quite difficult.

After applying one layer

Baby B Browne feels quite thick and moisturising, and has a sweet yet subtle scent. My skin looked really glossy and healthy right after I had applied it, so I was really impressed at this stage. As usual, I left it on overnight, and this wasn't too uncomfortable as it appeared to dry in around 10 minutes. I woke up the following day looking bronzed but still natural. It looked great on my hands too, especially around the knuckles where fake tan can tend to gather no matter how much you prepare the skin.

After rinsing the following day
With other tans I use, I normally get a bit scaly looking on my arms and legs as I go through phases
of moisturising my body profusely and then not bothering at all. I have been getting better at this though, and really do see a difference in the wear of my tan when I do motivate myself to properly moisturise. With this Baby B Browne tan, my skin didn't start to feel dry or tight even after a few days, and when it began to fade, I didn't feel like I needed to scrub it off immediately. It faded very evenly and when it was time to scrub the remnants off, it all came off really easily with an exfoliating mitt and some body scrub.

Two days after applying Baby B Browne
I would say I got a good 5 days out of this tan before I needed to remove it and reapply. That is good going for skin like mine, and I was pleasantly surprised. What I liked the most about this lotion was the healthy glow it gave my skin, the actual tone of it when it was on, and how natural it looked without being too dark or in any way orange.

If you have dry skin, pesky patches or are just rubbish at keeping up a body moisturising routine, this tan is quite low maintenance and perfect for perking up your winter skin without looking too false. It is available to buy on the Baby B Browne site, RRP £14.95.


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