Sunday, 18 June 2017

Nail Polish That Actually Lasts?

Nail polish formulas can be hit and miss, and I know a lot of people opt for a gel manicure instead of dealing with the hassle of normal, high street brands.

I, however, have never had a gel manciure as I have quite long nails that are easy to paint, although I do struggle to find high quality nail polishes that don't chip easily. I love the range of colours that the likes of Barry M, and Nails Inc have to offer, but I've never been blown away by their ability to last.

On the rare occassion that I happened to dander into Urban Outfitters a few months ago, I clocked eyes on a selection of nail polish that were all 15ml, slightly larger than a bottle of Nails Inc! At the time I think it was two for £10 (or £6 each), so I picked up two shades I don't own in my already vast collection. To be honest, I didn't have high expectations for the polish, but oh how wrong I was.

The two shades I purchased were 'Anorak', a rather unique shade of purple, and an iridescent top coat called 'Twilight Sparkle'.

The first time I applied 'Anorak' I immediately fell in love. The shade is not only unusual but extremely eye catching, and I receive so many compliments when I wear it. It looks especially gorgeous with a tan. Before going on holiday for a week, I was trying to pick a nail shade that I knew would look great in the sun but also be able to last for as long as possible, because there is nothing more hateful than having to repaint your nails in 30 degree heat.

In the end I chose 'Anorak' as I thought it had lasted so well many times before, although I did bring the bottle along with me too, just in case. From a Thursday right through to the Friday I got home, my nail polish did not budge. Between packing, zipping and unzipping, lifting my heavy suitcase, going through a theme park, going on rollercoasters, and general sunbathing, this nail colour did not falter. I did expect it to be somewhat less vibrant by the time the holiday was over as the sun tends to fade things, but it still looked great.

In fact, the only reason I took 'Anorak' off when I got home was because my nails had grown, leaving bare nail at the top beside my cuticle. Impressive.

So there you go, I feel Urban Outfitters are on to a winning nail polish formula. This beats any of my Barry M bottles as they tend to chip quite easily on me, and my small collection of Nails Inc shades don't even last this long. I just wish I'd bought more shades!

Buy here!
I am nearly sure the shade described as 'Purple Multi' is Anorak.

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