Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Win A Morphe Palette!

I'm currently running a competition on both my Instagram and Facebook pages, to give away a gorgeous Morphe 12B palette.

I already own one myself, and thought it would be nice to share a spare one with someone who may hasn't tried Morphe before, or is addicted to their great quality palettes.

You can enter on Instagram, Facebook, or both!
To enter on Instagram, follow the steps below:
  1. Ensure you are following the Curlers 'n' Coffee Instagram page (Username is: rach_curlersncoffee)
  2. Like the post on my Instagram that shows the prize
  3. Tag as many friends as you like in the comment section.

To enter via Facebook:
  1. Ensure you're following the Curlers 'n' Coffee Facebook page (Follow the link, or search Curlers 'n' Coffee Blog)
  2. Like & share the competition post
  3. Tag as many friends as you like in the comment section below the photo.
This competition closes on the 05.01.18, so whoever wins will have a gorgeous palette to help them get over the post-Christmas blues.

Open to UK only!
Good luck!

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