Tuesday, 20 February 2018

NI Blogger Brunch And Some Self Reflection

I attended my first 'Blogger Brunch' on Sunday 18th February, and it was a good one! First of all, I only really properly started blogging in June last year, so to even be invited to such events really surprises me. I started blogging because I eat, sleep, and breathe cosmetics. I thrive off new releases, love trying out products, and enjoy how wearing make up makes me feel. The fact that people read my blog or follow my Instagram makes me so happy, and for that I am very thankful.

Anyway, back to the Blogger Brunch...Yasmin from SnazzyYazi Style Blog and I travelled to Belfast together on a rather cold, dark morning, and arrived at Babel ready to chat with other like-minded bloggers, and finally get to meet some faces I have seen on Instagram but haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet.

As I said, it was my first Blogger Brunch and so I was slightly nervous as I didn't know exactly what to expect. Basically, it's where all the Northern Irish bloggers come together to network, chat about issues they may have and basically engage with each other to share information, tips and general positivity.

Each blogger had the opportunity to stand up and speak, (I didn't, as the number of people staring back would have made my knees knock together, but maybe next time!) and share their views on the blogging industry, talk a bit about what they do, or just have a good old rant.

There were some lovely girls from Benefit Ireland there too, sharing their knowledge on how to create the perfect flatlay, and we even had the opportunity to try it out for ourselves. There was also some chat about Benefit's newest launch, Bad Gal Bang, which you can read all about in my post right here.

In between chatting and taking a tonne of photos, we were served some lovely food and even a Belvedere vodka cocktail. Yes, it was 10.20am and we were drinking cocktails, but hey, life is short.

Overall, I found the brunch a great experience, and the short speeches from other bloggers were very interesting to listen to. I learnt it's not all about followers, it's about being original, genuine, and enjoying what you do. I didn't start blogging because I wanted free stuff or with the hope of being famous one day, because that would be my worst nightmare. Being sent products in return for my honest opinion is just a bonus, and being occasionally recognised in real life because someone follows me on Instagram, makes me laugh. Basically, I love writing and sharing my thoughts on beauty because it might help someone somewhere, and my friends won't listen to me talk about my 237th nude lipstick anymore.

So thank you for taking the time to read my posts, I really do appreciate it and hopefully at the next Blogger Brunch I'll pluck up the courage to get up and speak, so much so that they'll have to pry the microphone from my heavily fake tanned hand.

Make Up Details
Foundation: Maybelline Superstay
Blusher: Mac Melba
Bronzer: Too Faced Sweet Tea
Brows: Freedom Brow Pomade
Lips: Charlotte Tilbury Penelope Pink
Highlighter: Becca Champagne Pop
Eyeshadow: Morphe 15N Palette & Colourpop Single Shadows
Tan: Conscience Clear Medium

Outfit Details 
Dress: Pretty Little Thing
Boots: ASOS
Bag & Scarf: Accessorize
Jacket: River Island
Watch: New Look

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